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UOP President Participates in a Ceremony to Honor the Winners of the Media Contest: "Do not Address My Subject Subjectively”


/Ar/News/PublishingImages/رئيس جامعة البترا يشارك في حفل تكريم الفائزين بالمسابقة الإعلامية تناولوا موضوعي بشكلٍ موضوعي.JPG

/Ar/News/PublishingImages/رئيس جامعة البترا يشارك في حفل تكريم الفائزين بالمسابقة الإعلامية تناولوا موضوعي بشكلٍ موضوعي.JPG

President of the University of Petra participated in a ceremony honoring the winners of the media competition: "Do not Address My Subject Subjectively". The Ceremony was patronized by His Highness Prince Mired bin Raad bin Zaid, Chairman of the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD).

The competition was aimed at guiding media professionals not to refer to people with disabilities as superhumans or deservers of pity and sympathy, but rather to deal with them as normal people and without prejudice.

University of Petra, believing in the need to support and integrate people with disabilities into society, had held a course for vision-impaired media professionals last summer.