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UOP President Participates in a Regional Symposium Entitled: "Education Quality in Arab Schools and Universities: Opportunities and Challenges"


/Ar/News/PublishingImages/رئيس جامعة البترا يشارك في حفل تكريم الفائزين بالمسابقة الإعلامية تناولوا موضوعي بشكلٍ موضوعي.JPG


The President of the University of Petra participated in the regional symposium entitled "Education Quality in Arab Schools and Universities: Opportunities and Challenges". The Symposium was held at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The symposium addressed several topics, including the quality standards used, the contributions of (AQACHEI) in implementing quality standards in educational institutions, and the need to continue on digital and virtual transformation in the teaching-learning process. Experiences of quality education in some Arab countries were also reviewed.

The University of Petra was the first Jordanian university to obtain a quality assurance certificate from the Accreditation & Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions.