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Organizing Awareness-Raising Day on "Scourge of Drugs Crisis and Road Traffic Accidents"




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In cooperation with the Community Police – Public Security Department (PSD),

Anti-Narcotics Department, and Central Traffic Department (CTD)

The UOP Deanship of Student Affairs is pleased to invite you to attend:

The Awareness Raising Day on Scourge of Drugs and Road Traffic Accidents

That includes the following:

  • A play on road traffic accidents.
  • Lecture on the scourge of narcotic drugs: its causes and ways for prevention.
  • Awareness raising on road traffic accidents, its role in reducing the dangerous road traffic violations as well as resulting road traffic accidents.

Time: Tuesday, 10 January 2023, (11:00 AM - 1:30 PM)

Venue: Awni Al-Aseer Theater – UOP / opposite the UOP Library​